
The New Life Podcast features messages and lessons from our staff and special guests.

Fear, Faith and a Baby in a Basket

What a pleasure it is to bring you Episode 14 of the Life Cast. This week the Pastor’s Wives of New Life Assembly of God will be sharing a special mothers day message. This message is not only for mothers, you might be surprised about how applicable it will be for those of us who are not mothers. Thanks for joining us for this Mothers Day episode of The Life Cast


Life on a Short Leash

We’re back.  Last week we suffered some technical difficulties and were not able to produce the podcast.  This week we are back on track with a message from Senior Pastor Randy Williamson entitled, Life on a Short Leash.  Pastor Randy enjoys bird hunting and has owned several bird dogs.  Those of you who own a dog will have an easy time identifying with this message.  Enjoy the podcast.


Is God Hiding?

Episode 12 of the Podcast features Senior Pastor Randy Williamson sharing a message entitle, Is God Hiding? Have you ever wondered where God is? Where did he go? Pastor Randy wants to encourage you to search God out he wants to be found by you. Enjoy the podcast.


God in a Box

Episode 11 of The Life Cast features Senior Pastor sharing a message entitled God in a Box. Do not miss this episode of The Life Cast. God desires to work in us and through us. All too often we will only allow him to work within our box. Pastor Randy’s message will help you allow God out of your box. Enjoy the podcast

in Podcast

Your Cash, Your Time, Your Talent; God’s Kingdom

Episode nine of the Life Cast features associate pastor Aaron Broberg sharing a message entitled Your Cash, Your Time, Your Talent; God’s Kingdom. You can listen to this podcast by clicking the player below. If you would like to here more from New Life Assembly of God you can visit the podcast page for other audio content. We trust you will enjoy the podcast.


Staying in Stride While Facing Opposition

Episode eight of the Life Cast Features Senior Pastor Randy Williamson sharing a message entitled Staying in Stride While Facing Opposition. You can listen to this podcast by clicking the player below.  If you would like to here more from the pastors at New Life Assembly of God you can visit the podcast page for other audio content.  We trust you will enjoy the podcast.


The Power of the Resurrection

Episode seven of the podcast features senior Pastor Randy Williamson sharing an Easter message entitled: The power of the Resurrection. I trust you will enjoy this weeks episode of The Life Cast.


Being a Credible Messenger

Episode five of The Life Cast features senior pastor Randy Williamson sharing a message about being a credible messenger of the Gospel.

If you would like to hear more from Pastor Randy you can see all of our past episodes by visiting our podcast page .

Thanks again for visiting spartanewlife.com If you have not had the opportunity visit us in person visit our expect page to know what happens on Sundays at New Life Assembly of God.

in Podcast

Counterfeit Hope

Episode five of The Life Cast features associate pastor Aaron Broberg sharing a message entitled Counterfeit Hope. Thanks again for listening. Enjoy the podcast.
